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Turkey Breast

Raised without antibiotics, our turkey breasts* are truly one of a kind.  They boast 55% less fat and 25% fewer calories.  Because they have less fat, they will cook differently.  Check our Cooking Instructions below for helpful hints. They are available in 4-8 lb., 8-10 lb., and 10-12 lb. sizes.  Not all retailers carry all sizes. Available seasonally.

* Our Turkey Breast includes ribs, portions of wing meat, portions of back and neck skin.

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  • No Hexane
    Most poultry producers use hexane-processed soybeans as a cheap source of chicken feed. But hexane pollutes the air and environment. We keep chemicals out of our feed.
  • No DDGS
    DDGS is a protein alternative producers can get at a lower cost than corn. Antibiotics are used to control bacteria in the fermentation process. Some antibiotics remain in the DDGS. We use only corn and soybeans for protein. Period.
  • No Hormones
    This product is free from artificial growth hormones.
  • No Junk
    This product is made with no fillers, no preservatives and no artificial flavors—in other words, no junk.
  • No Antibiotics
    Bell & Evans is the first company to raise 100% of our flocks without antibiotics—from the egg throughout the chicken’s entire lifespan.
  • Free Range


Turkey breast.

Cooking Instructions

POP-UP TIMER:  These timers are programmed to activate when the turkey breast reaches the proper internal temperature of 165°.  These cooking devices are extremely accurate and can be relied upon.  IF IT HAS NOT ACTIVATED within ½ hour from scheduled roasting time, remove turkey breast from oven and check for doneness.



We highly recommend the use of both oven thermometers and meat thermometers.  Insert the meat thermometer into the breast, NOT TOUCHING BONE.  A reading of 165° indicates the breast is done.

CAUTION:  Due to possible variance in oven temperatures, we strongly recommend that all ovens be checked for accuracy at least every 6 months.  The average household oven may vary as high as 100 degrees.


Type of oven used, temperature of breast when placed in your oven, height and thickness of your roasting pan, oven thermostat accuracy, frequent opening of oven door….etc., any one or a combination of these conditions may alter your cooking time as much as 30 minutes.

8 – 12 lbs2 – 3 hours
12 – 16 lbs3 – 4 hours
16 – 20 lbs4 – 5 hours
20 – 24 lbs5 – 6 hours


  1. says:

    This was my first time doing turkey day. I went to get a frozen breast but they were gone. I saw 2 B and Evans fresh breasts, bought one and hoped for the best. I’d never heard of them before.

    Well; everyone loved it! They actually made me look like I knew what I was doing! I’ll use them again even though the cost is a bit high.

    1. Thank you for the nice compliment Jesse!

  2. says:

    Bell and Evans sell the best poultry ever. It costs a little more, but it is well worth it.

    P.S. How long will a fresh B and E turkey breast last in the refrigerator before cooking it on Thanksgiving?

    1. Hello! Fresh turkey parts (includes the breast) can remain in the refrigerator (<40°F) no longer than 2 days prior to cooking.

      1. says:

        I’m confused by this instruction. I just purchased a shrink wrapped, whole B&E turkey breast from my butcher. The package states: keep refrigerated or frozen. The package also states best if used by 5/31/2023. The butcher said it would stay fresh in my refrigerator until Thanksgiving, but based on this response, it sounds like I should stick it in the freezer?

        1. Hi William. If the turkey is placed in the freezer, it should cook it by 05/31/2023. The longer the turkey is in the freezer, the quality may be diminished.
          USDA recommendation is to keep fresh turkey in the refrigerator (40°F or less) for 1-2 days prior to cooking.

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